The Charles Ives home originally was built on Clifton Street on land that is now Fairmont Park.
In the early 1920s the Ives' property was purchased by the City of New Haven to become Fairmont Park.
Have your pig friend in Fairmont Park, Bangor, tonight at seven.
It consisted of three one-mile loops, then 10 laps of a 14.4-mile course through Fairmont Park and environs, then three three-mile loops.
A monument to Chief Teedyuscung stands in Fairmont Park, Philadelphia.
As Ms. Harris spoke, silence gripped the previously rowdy and distracted crowd of about 1,500 people in Fairmont Park.
The team plays matches on public fields in Fairmont Park.
The horses are ridden throughout the city's streets and parks, and regular races are held on an open strip of Fairmont Park called the Speedway.
It was generally an alternative to the Woodside Amusement Park in Fairmont Park until its closure.
The race here, mostly through Fairmont Park, covered 156 miles.