Bunches of their fresh lavender are also at Fairway markets, $8 each.
It costs $6.49 for a 250-milliliter bottle (almost nine ounces) at Fairway markets.
The aiolis, in 6.5-ounce jars, are $5.99 each at Fairway markets.
A 2.2-pound mesh bag is $4.89 at Fairway markets, where the onions are also sold loose for $2.99 a pound.
A larger cake, providing eight or more servings, is $36.50 at Fairway Markets.
Penja white peppercorns are $7.99 for 2.82 ounces at Fairway markets.
A couple of years ago, Fairway market sold only about 100 pounds of mahogany clams a week.
A 17-ounce bottle is $4.99 at Fairway markets.
The Hawaiian sea salt comes coarse or fine, in 2.2-pound bags, for $11.99 at Fairway markets.
It is also available at Fairway Market, 2127 Broadway (74th Street) for $1.09.