During the fascist period there were eight public and six Italian parochial schools.
During the fascist period an elementary school, which had been housed in a private home, was constructed.
The former have been seen, particularly in the Fascist period, as decisively shaping cultural policy.
It was illegally distributed in Italy during its fascist period.
Indeed, even before his fascist period, he had his strong detractors.
In many cases her subjects virtually skipped over the 20 years of the Fascist period with only a passing reference or two.
During the Fascist period it experienced remarkable urban development.
During the Fascist period, all architects were legally forced to join the party; but the most successful went further and became important party members.
In the city archives we can find many pictures belonging to the Fascist period, in which references to the political environment are very evident.
During the Fascist period, especially the Autarchy campaign, regional languages were banned.