Abbas was depending on some Fatah officials with reputations for corruption.
But even today, after they had been publicly stated, the instructions were seen more as an advisory, the Fatah officials said.
On a recent morning, a Fatah official sitting at a desk received visitors who were asking for financial assistance.
Fatah officials allowed him to attend on August 5, 2009.
Hamas security forces attacked hundreds Fatah officials who supported Israel.
But Fatah officials have suggested that it will take several days until their party presents its nominees.
Fatah officials said Hamas had agreed to steps to integrate about 3,000 fighters into the security forces, though no timetable was given.
Fatah officials have said they do not expect Hamas to recognize Israel explicitly.
Fatah officials said five of their men were captured.
Fatah officials say they have identified several points they share with the American Government.