Certain critics have viewed the Faust story as a distortion of Christianity.
Goethe's Faust is very different from other Faust stories.
America has two Faust stories, and they run in opposite directions.
But the Young-Edwards version of the Faust story defies reductive theorizing.
The band Current 93 made an album of the same name of incidental music inspired by Stenbock's Faust story.
The largest addition is his ending of the evening with a chunk from the Russian author's little-known version of the Faust story.
They wrote the film "is a modern variation on the "Faust" story and has its clever moments, but ultimately its reach way exceeds its grasp."
The original Faust story had a fairly simple structure.
The work for the Emperor and the appearance of Helen of Troy are from the original Faust story.
But he drinks, and a modern version of the Faust story is set in motion.