But she supported most favored nation trade status despite concerns about China's human rights record.
We ask no more than what you give other nations: most favored nation.
And most favored nation will be withdrawn if they want that confrontation.
In the same way, who abolished most favored nation?
But the phrase made it seem as if China, for example, would become the most favored nation - and most people did not favor that.
Yes, we should remain "engaged," trade vigorously and even grant "most favored nation" status to China.
I hear Pakistan has given most favored nation trading status to India.
At least six bills have been introduced to suspend or terminate China's status as a most favored nation.
Albania, he said, might be given the status of "a favored or privleged nation" in this regard.
If it were to revoke this "most favored nation" status, China's ability to trade with American companies would be limited or more expensive.