This position was also echoed by representatives of the international community in a February 2005 donors' conference in Cartagena.
How can anyone running for president attend, let alone speak at CPAC's September Florida event or the February conference next year?
At the February conference, members of the group formulated proposals for what they term "the end of the New Deal era."
A white paper produced by a February 2004 conference convened by the Department of Defense called for a massive national foreign language and culture initiative.
Wilson held a February 2004 conference for those who supported his ideas, such as pastor George Grant, in the University of Idaho.
In line with constitutional arrangements agreed at the February 1990 conference on reform [see p. 37812], the country went to the polls on March 10 to elect a president.
At a February 2010 conference on banking in Nigeria, Sanusi described his blueprint for reforming the Nigerian financial system.
President Yahya Khan at the February conference said "Kill three million of them (Bangladeshis) and the rest will eat out of our hands."
That said, a solution to the problem relies on a functioning Somali state - perhaps the February conference in London will galvanise the international community.
A Jerusalem Post editorial expressed concern regarding the individuals invited to speak to the February 2011 conference.