The response was sent in a February 3 letter to McConnell and the others.
In a February 8, 1855, letter to Pierce, he cited reasons "of a private and domestic nature" for declining the nomination.
He'd had nine months after the February 4 letter to step forward, correct the record, and come clean with the American public.
So during his testimony, I asked him point blank if he reviewed that February 4 letter before it was sent to me.
Now, last Friday the Justice Department withdrew their February 4th letter to me because of its "inaccuracies."
Following the February letter the Group was now producing work and information needed.
Ataíde (in his February 1504 letter) mentions he set out together with Campo, and makes no mention of the other two.
His aides produced a February letter stating his intention to retire this summer as proof that it was not sudden.
He also wrote more personal poems, including one written about lost love accompanying a 13 February 1792 letter to Mary Evans.
Your request in the 9 February letter was not specific in respect of Lochbridge Road.