Money got more expensive last week, as the Federal Reserve acted to stop inflation before it appears.
One explanation is that the Federal Reserve acted on the basis of the economic indicators it generally insists are its only guide to action.
The Federal Reserve, perhaps taking into account this appeal and others, did not act.
The Federal Reserve acted on those statistics, preferring - at least for now - not to challenge the message embedded in them.
But in 1928-32, the Federal Reserve did not act to provide liquidity to banks suffering runs.
Investors expect the Federal Reserve will soon act to raise interest rates.
The Federal Reserve will act quickly to lower interest rates if the economy loses too much momentum, he said.
A bond price rally began to bring down interest rates in the marketplace, well before the Federal Reserve acted.
She said the data were not strong enough to cause the Federal Reserve to act on rates.
One reason why the Federal Reserve did not act to limit the decline of the money supply was regulation.