So how should this good news change our thinking about the proposed changes in federal payments?
In 2002, their portion increased to $7.8 billion, or 65 percent of all federal payments.
Direct federal payments to farmers last year rose to a record $23 billion.
The maximum federal payment would be $1,000, for a person with drug expenses of $2,000 or more in 2003.
That includes more than $12 billion in direct Federal payments to farmers.
The constitution guarantees federal payments, but that does not mean they have to be made on time.
She received a total of $47,000 in federal payments during the sheik's 10-month trial.
Will increased federal payments lure private health plans into the Medicare market?
But it stands to lose money if its costs exceed the Federal payment.
The hospitals would get their contributions back and perhaps a bit more, but the states often kept the lion's share of the federal payment.