Federal-state relations have been brought to the top of the national agenda under his leadership.
But for Federal-state relations, his tenure could mark a historic shift.
The nation's governors have made the issue their top priority this year, along with that of Federal-state relations generally.
One state that has done more than many to get ready for a new era in Federal-state relations is Michigan.
This is not a case that the court agreed to consider because it wanted to refine some arcane point of federal-state relations.
The last three books listed "are to be valued chiefly for their insight into federal-state relations and the true nature of the Union."
According to Finnigan, his policy interests include "economic development, industrial relations, federal-state relations, family issues and building social capital".
In addition to the transformation of Federal-state relations, the other root of the partisanship has been growing political competition.
Professor Jeffries is the author of several books on Federal-state relations and civil-rights law.
He said the main task of his chairmanship would be to make a thorough examination of Federal-state relations.