The Federation was founded in 2006 after recruiting a 'super head', for the three schools which at the time none of which had a headteachers.
The Federation of Black Cowboys was founded in 1993 and has about 35 members.
The idea nonetheless caught on slowly: when the Federation was founded in 1971, only 20 neighborhood associations existed nationwide.
One front of the war was fought in the 22nd century, the main focus point at where the Federation was founded.
That made the deceit on which Starfleet and the Federation were founded even more repellent.
They routinely violate the very principles the Federation was founded upon.
That is the principle the Federation was founded upon.
I won't lie to you and say things have been harmonious since the Federation was founded over a century ago.
The Federation was founded on the principles of truth and freedom.
How could there be a group willing to compromise the ideals the Federation was founded on in the name of protecting those very same ideals?