Felix Salmon, by contrast, argues that I'm wrong about the importance of moral hazard because I've been looking for it in the wrong place.
Felix Salmon made the argument that maybe Steve Jobs is the kind of person who finds public giving a distraction of sorts, for instance.
Felix Salmon has been a fervent advocate of the idea, which is unsurprising given his hatred of debt.
Felix Salmon wrote today of the Citigroup bailout, "it was the tumbling stock price which was responsible for this deal in the first place."
Here's Felix Salmon to deconstruct it.
That's why, in contrast to Felix Salmon, I don't think yesterday's crash is evidence the market is irrational.
Felix Salmon explains why the first argument doesn't make sense with regard to broker-dealers.
A former critic, Felix Salmon, wrote, "His loss to the profession is irreplaceable."
They do if those people are powerful, says Felix Salmon of Reuters.
On the tax side, Felix Salmon, a commentator for Reuters, wrote that the options hewed too closely to the current code.