Over the centuries, a unique Fijian culture developed.
The Nausori Highlands are a great place to learn about Fijian culture.
It was an important part of traditional Fijian culture, used as a form of communication to announce births, deaths and wars.
He said that forgiveness was an important part of Fijian culture.
It was the norm in Fijian culture to resolve differences through dialogue and consensus, he maintained.
Communication in Fijian culture is a complex art.
The use of surnames is not traditional in Fijian culture.
Yaqona is extremely important in indigenous Fijian culture - in the time of the 'old religion' it was used ceremonially by chiefs and priests only.
He said that reconciliation and forgiveness were an integral part of Fijian culture, and should be upheld.
As Fijian culture did not encourage outspokenness, Leung said, it would be a mistake to interpret silence as support.