Jansson has also written several books, for instance about the Finnish Constitution and some poetry works.
The Church Act is protected by the Finnish Constitution and the state can not change the Church Act without changing the constitution.
Finnish Constitution in English (PDF)
He is generally regarded as a moral and principled defender of democracy and of the rule of law, and as the father of the Finnish Constitution.
Even if the governing coalition decided to join the community, it would need the President's approval, since the Finnish Constitution makes the President responsible for foreign policy.
His government sought to persuade the Finnish voters to elect a Parliament where the right-wing and centrist parties would have a two-thirds majority, which was - and is - needed to ratify changes to the Finnish Constitution.
A career diplomat for 30 years and a politician only since his election in 1994, Mr. Ahtisaari occupies an office that under the Finnish Constitution has the responsibility for shaping foreign policy.
Kekkonen's authoritarian behavior during his presidential term was one of the main reasons for the reforms of the Finnish Constitution in 1984-2003.
His professional experience also includes working for the Parliament of Finland, the Finnish Ministry of Justice and three governmental commissions that drafted amendments to the Finnish Constitution, including the 1995 fundamental rights reform.
Many Finns see the War Responsibility Trials as a kangaroo court set up for the Soviet Union in order to discredit the Finnish wartime leaders, since ex post facto law was against the Finnish Constitution.