For two summers the fleet shelled the towns and fortifications along the Finnish coast.
Additionally, they conducted raids on less fortified sections of the Finnish coast.
One of the most fascinating places I have ever visited is the Finnish Archipelago, on the north coast of Finland.
Halikko (once called Rikala) was already in the Iron age an important trade and meeting place on the Finnish coast.
Now he set his course, punching out the coordinates for his crossingpoint on the Finnish coast.
May 1 - Floods occur on the Finnish coast.
In 1907, Standart ran aground on an uncharted rock off the Finnish coast.
According to Bock, this was possible due to Gulf Stream which brought warm water to the Finnish coast.
According to official version, he was captured on reaching the Finnish coast and executed by German troops in Helsinki.
"How far is that rock from the Finnish coast, then?"