However, statistics of the Finnish population according to language and citizenship are available.
The local Finnish population did not have to partake on the actual construction work, but had to provide shelter, food and transport for the large army.
Primary funding comes from television licence fees from the Finnish population.
Burdett was to report back on the morale of the Finnish population and troops.
Halls and co-operatives were often erected in communities with sizable Finnish populations.
One-third of the Finnish population died in the devastating famine that struck the country in 1696.
He was well regarded by the Finnish population and was made a count in 1812.
Finland suffered a severe famine in 1696-97, during which about one-third of the Finnish population died, and a devastating plague a few years later.
Finland suffered a severe famine in 1696-1697, during which about one-third of the Finnish population died.
Finnish was the mother tongue of about 85% of the Finnish population by 1880.