In the US, the Sustainable Fisheries Act defines sustainable practices through national standards.
There is no specific for protection for this species in Canada other than the Fisheries Act.
Fisheries Act (pollution prevention into fish bearing waters) (R.S., 1985, c. F-14)
Federal legislation such as the Fisheries Act (1985) have relevance for water management in the provinces.
The Sustainable Fisheries Act of 1996 was passed in the United States.
The regulations are part of the Fisheries Act.
Fisheries Act (with its variations) is a stock short title used in multiple countries for legislation relating to fisheries.
The Attorney General has few prosecution duties; these are limited to functions under the various Fisheries Acts and Extradition Acts.
As well, the federal Fisheries Act prohibits destruction of fish habitat.
Fishery Inspectors are designated under section 38(1) of the Act, specifically to enforce the pollution prevention sections of Fisheries Act.