Wind is seldom a factor; it rarely blows hard in the Flathead Valley.
Turnout at the 1948 hearings at Kalispell was influenced by extensive flooding then occurring in the Flathead Valley.
The state also needs to manage the growth that is coming suddenly to places like Missoula and the Flathead Valley, he said.
From seven thousand feet, he had an eagle's-eye view of the Flathead Valley and Whitefish Lake.
It also provides education and outreach to students in Montana's Flathead Valley.
All three actors moved to Montana's Flathead Valley after sustaining successful careers on stage, in film and on television.
These concerts vary in content and format, and take place in various communities around the Flathead Valley.
In 2008, ATP began offering theatre education to youth in the Flathead Valley.
The campaign highlighted the natural beauty of Montana and the unique personalities of the Flathead Valley.
Follow the state line of Idaho upward until it is even with the Flathead Valley, and then go over to Kalispell, Mont.