He is also Beauty Editor for Flaunt Magazine.
Williams, Maxwell, Aaron Young, Assessing Contentment Through The Collaborative Processes, Flaunt Magazine, 2010 ill.
It's Not My Party Flexi-disc 7"- released by Flaunt Magazine (March 2011)
Posthumans are People too - Natasha Vita-More in Flaunt Magazine.
Warren Theatres received national acclaim when Flaunt Magazine named the chain the top theater builder in the nation.
His work has also been featured in magazines such as Italian Vogue, Sugar Skateboard Magazine, Thrasher, Sport and Street, Flaunt Magazine and Oyster Magazine.
Photo layout in Flaunt Magazine as well.
In 2007 the 12th annual Face Off show was held at Smashbox Studios Stage 5 in conjunction with Flaunt Magazine and Splashlight Digital.
The exhibition opened on May 21 to critical acclaim from LA Weekly, Flavorpill, Flaunt Magazine and Curated Magazine.
Dane told Flaunt Magazine about how they met: "It's probably one of the least interesting stories in the world.