In Belgium, their country of origin, they are known by their Flemish name 'Mechelse Herder'.
My advice is to get a good road map that gives both the French and the Flemish names of the towns.
This usage exists also in Flemish names, though its nobility usually obtained the French prefix 'de'.
Antoon van Dyck (his Flemish name) was born to prosperous parents in Antwerp.
The pronunciation and spelling of Flemish names were often altered to suit the tastes of English-speaking people.
The Flemish name for it is Henegouwen.
The name de Rore is a proper Flemish name, not a name that has been changed to look Italian.
The town originally had a Flemish name; it was written as Waskenhal in the 11th century.
Flemish names are rare, and those that exist are based on personal names of landowners.
"The Antwerp Six" was a media appellation born in London in the late 1980's to help manage foreign-sounding Flemish names.