The court order will require the examination of more than 45,000 no-votes in 64 Florida counties.
If this was my experience in one Florida county, what does that suggest about the national election?
And tonight, senior campaign officials said they would likely file challenges to the results in other Florida counties as well.
There are 19 known occurrences of this plant, all within one Florida county.
He cited a case in a Florida county that was heard by jurors from a different county.
Seven Florida counties eliminated or cut down on television watching in their jails.
Then there was a recount in all Florida counties.
Florida counties ranked by per capita income from 2006-2010 data.
In one study in 2010, the county was ranked 23 out of 67 Florida counties for health outcomes.
Under state law, each Florida county can decide which shelters to open in a time of emergency.