He sat on the bench for fourteen years, earning wide respect among Florida lawyers.
In 1957, a Florida lawyer was disbarred after being convicted of "committing an indecent and lewd act in a public place."
He hired a Florida lawyer and filed a paternity petition the day before the baby was born, in the county where she previously lived.
"Well, I'm headed back, been down to Naples for a plaintiff's counsel meeting with some big Florida lawyers."
The car was owned by the passenger, George Jennig, a Florida lawyer.
It is uncertain how a judge will weigh the various factors in this case, several Florida lawyers who specialize in estates said yesterday.
That's about $170 million a year from Florida lawyers alone.
In March, he answered an ad from a Florida lawyer who offered to sponsor immigrants for citizenship.
David C. Gibbs, a Florida lawyer who represents the family, criticized yesterday's decision.
A Florida lawyer representing Mr. Simpson could not be reached for comment yesterday.