A Florida prison known as Century Correctional Institution is the only major employer in the region.
Gain time, a tool that Florida prisons have used to ease crowding, can shorten a sentence by 50 to 70 percent, state officials say.
His public defender said he'd been raped in a Florida prison, and raped as a child.
A15 Overcrowding in Florida prisons may force the state to begin releasing prisoners.
He served nearly 10 years in Florida prisons, where he was labeled a "mentally disturbed sexual offender."
Excited by the experience, he returned to Miami determined to begin Cursillo weekends in Florida prisons.
There are 5,641 illegals in Florida prisons at an average cost of $18,980 annually, for a total of $107 million.
He was serving six life sentences in a Florida prison.
The recordings were of telephone calls the general made from the Florida prison where he is being held.
He is now serving a 17-year sentence in a Florida prison.