"Be cold, hard and deliberate," the Florida prosecutor told the jury in the 1985 trial.
Ms. Hill was a Florida prosecutor and later partner at King & Spaulding.
Few counties and even fewer states have their own witness protection programs, although Florida prosecutors are supporting legislative efforts to start one in the state.
A Florida prosecutor offered Lee a deal to drop two misdemeanor charges of having exposed himself.
As you say, Florida prosecutors are given authority to try 14-year-old defendants as they see fit.
Other Florida prosecutors agreed that many cases like Mr. Roman's had not been prosecuted.
Florida prosecutors are supporting legislative efforts to start one in the state.
The 2004 allegation of failing to update was dismissed by Florida prosecutors after an investigation.
On April 10, 2007, Florida prosecutors released additional material in the case.
The Florida prosecutors have singled out Sabretech, concluding that the actions of the other parties did not rise to criminal culpability.