Nor did it mention that before the separation, according to one of the indictments against him, he had been a guest at a Florida resort with a female companion.
Las Vegas Sands has also talked about the possibility of a Florida resort.
A recent visitor to a Florida resort, for instance, described part of it as "polyester."
He was named executive vice president of the Florida resort in 1996.
Each of his 180 employees gets stock, profit sharing, a defined-benefit pension plan and unlimited free stays at a company-owned Florida resort.
Often a Florida resort has a chillier twin farther north.
Other Florida Spas A variety of Florida resorts have spa programs and facilities.
Things go awry when a lifeguard at a Florida resort agrees to take part in a heist.
Not only are resorts in Cuba cheaper, she said, many of them offer all-inclusive packages that appeal to the cost-conscious, while few Florida resorts do.
But he did not move in, as he was simultaneously developing a Florida resort.