He was once listed in the Forbes 400 ranking of wealthiest people ($400 million net worth in 1982).
According to Forbes ranking, Changzhou was the 9th best business city in mainland China in 2008.
In the 2010 and 2011 Forbes ranking of personal wealth, Mars is the highest ranked person whose photograph was unavailable to the magazine.
Livermore was named in Fortune and Forbes annual ranking of America's leading businesswomen.
The couple ranked the 21st richest 'person' in China a Forbes ranking in 2012.
He helped create the Forbes 400 ranking of America's richest people, first published in 1982.
Vilar's early enthusiasm for Internet and technology stocks had put him in the Forbes ranking.
In 1982 Guccione was listed in the Forbes 400 ranking of wealthiest people, with a $400 million net worth.
He was once listed in the Forbes 400 ranking of wealthiest people (982).
Note: *The Forbes ranking has been published biennially since 1999.