Ford chose to build a factory there because it good access to the coast for shipping.
Ford chose not to seek a fifth term in 1998, and retired to Owensboro.
Ford has chosen larger tires with higher pressures for its next generation of Explorers, which will go on sale in January.
Ford chose a bold direction for the Falcon's design.
Ford chose this course simply because, he confesses, "they admitted me.
The S that Ford chose to show off to the press was understandably a fully loaded one.
Ford chose the same size tires it had long chosen for the Ranger.
Ford chose to sell the operation near the end of 2004 despite a more consistent showing in its previous two years.
It is not surprising that Ford would choose the subject for dramatic treatment.
Instead, Ford chose to do a cost-benefit analysis between the cost of human life and limb versus corporate profits.