Brands in the Ford family have been especially focused on this effort.
The Ford family controls 40 percent of the voting power at the company.
In the past, the Ford family has not hesitated to do just that.
But that would not be reckoning with the Ford family.
But for many members of the Ford family, which has stayed remarkably unified over the years, this is just how business works.
This time around they serve up the Ford family on the same platter.
"I think many people might have overestimated the Ford family's control in the black community," he said.
"We're not going to put the same face on every vehicle," he said, "but there will be a similar thread through the Ford family."
There was even an ample supply of provisions, enough to last the Ford family for several days.
Once again, it falls to the Ford family to get the company out of a rut.
Brands in the Ford family have been especially focused on this effort.
The Ford family controls 40 percent of the voting power at the company.
In the past, the Ford family has not hesitated to do just that.
But that would not be reckoning with the Ford family.
But for many members of the Ford family, which has stayed remarkably unified over the years, this is just how business works.
This time around they serve up the Ford family on the same platter.
"We're not going to put the same face on every vehicle," he said, "but there will be a similar thread through the Ford family."
There was even an ample supply of provisions, enough to last the Ford family for several days.
Two such places have ties to the Ford family.
Once again, it falls to the Ford family to get the company out of a rut.