There was also the "pay what you can" model of the Forest Fringe, discussed below.
It is found in forests and at forest fringes, but tends not to enter human dwellings.
The two columns marched toward the Middlefield between the northern and southern forest fringes.
More Elf-folk are boiling out of the forest fringe, hooting, hungry.
Birds of the forest fringe are common, as are whiptail wallabies.
It grows along streams in montane grassland and forest fringes.
The habitat consists of dense woodland and forest fringes.
The remaining plants, commonly called Tapah weeds, can be found in the secondary forests or at the forest fringes.
Servals also avoid dense equatorial jungles, although they may be found along forest fringes.
P. erratica is normally found under the bark of trees or under rocks on forest fringes.