The Foundation strives to inspire parents, role models, mentors, leaders and individuals to deliver the message to kids, that being active is not only good for their body and mind but also a lot of fun.
Established in 1983, the Foundation strives everyday to bring hearts together to create a strong, caring and healthy community.
The Foundation strives to deploy its resources to generate solutions to challenges that inhibit the growth of the African private sector.
The Foundation strives to broaden its role in the community by supporting charitable activities and organizations whose goals fall within the Foundation's mission.
The Foundation strives to facilitate and drive efforts to promote peace, good governance and political stability internationally; assist children with disabilities from birth; and promote innovation and alternatives in agriculture.
The Foundation strives to provide opportunities to learn and grow in a safe, nurturing environment, empowering girls and women through education and resources so that they may work toward brighter futures - in their own villages and beyond.
The Foundation strives to continue the work of Fr Maschio by strengthening the participation of the young and the poor in their own development.
The Foundation strives to provide assistance that creates independence, rather than dependence for its recipients.
Since its inception the Islamic Foundation has striven towards building bridges between the Muslim community and the rest of society by creating a better understanding between communities through greater awareness about each other.
The Foundation strives to reach the widest possible audience with its quality films, and sells on its Web site and at major conferences those award-winning documentaries that fulfill Hartley's mission and message.