So we took him up to Fountains Abbey (one of Britain's most famous monastic ruins).
The finale was shot at Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire.
Fountains Abbey, which, as Christopher Hussey remarks, has since 1768 'provided the culmination of John Aislabie's elysium', is a prime example.
John Darnton, 30th Abbot of Fountains Abbey, was responsible for much work including the West Window.
The earliest documentation about Galphay records that it was owned by Fountains Abbey in 1189.
The village is thought to have been the main source of stone for the construction of Fountains Abbey in the 10th century.
With time it became one of the great Cistercian abbeys of Yorkshire, second only to Fountains Abbey in fame.
The first monks were brought from Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire, England.
It was Cistercian and colonized by monks from Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire.
One of the most spectacular is Fountains Abbey.