During the first year, Novices study the Franciscan Rule and the Order's Constitutions and deepen their prayer lives.
As it concerned the principal chapter of the Franciscan Rule, this action caused no little disturbance within the order.
He entered the Franciscan Order in 1601, led an austere life and became a strict observer of the Franciscan Rule.
At the same time another sister (Sr Leonore SE) transferred to the Community of St. Francis in order to follow the Franciscan Rule.
The Franciscan Rule is approved by Pope Honorius III.
He was the powerful friend of Francis of Assisi and was instrumental in obtaining papal approval of the Franciscan Rule.
They observed the Franciscan Rule in accordance with interpretations officially made by the Popes.
Niccolò Antonio Colantonio - Delivery of the Franciscan Rule (c.1445)
Living under a Franciscan Rule, the sisters' primary vocation is prayer, study, and work in the context of community life.
Benedict accepted the promotion, and successfully helped the order adopt a stricter version of the Franciscan Rule of life.