The Israeli Navy has threatened the follow-up mission of Freedom Flotilla Two, scheduled to have a fleet of 15 ships and boats along with 1500 activists.
A flotilla of ships, called The True Freedom Flotilla, sailed around the Statue of Liberty and past the United Nations.
The second decision was a 1980 case before the Federal District Court in Miami involving 84 people who had escaped from Cuba in the so-called Freedom Flotilla.
Trevor attempted to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza with the Freedom Flotilla in June 2011 along with other pro-Palestinian activists.
Mankell will be one of twenty Swedish participants in "Freedom Flotilla 2", expected to sail to Gaza in June 2011.
Protection of Jewish institutions in Turkey was reinforced in June 2010 after the incident with the "Freedom Flotilla".
In 2010, nine Turkish activists were killed when Israeli commandos boarded the lead ship of the first Freedom Flotilla, causing an international outcry.
Madam President, on Saturday I will set sail for Gaza with hundreds of other activists as part of the Freedom Flotilla 2.
The National Union of Israeli Students planned to send a Kurdish Freedom Flotilla.