The Northumbria police constable is making his mercy dash after the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle responded to a cry for help from Romania.
A spokesman for the Freeman Hospital said: 'We have donated the valves and Dave Pick is going to take them to literally save the woman's life.
PC Pick said: 'The Freeman Hospital have been exceptionally good in giving us two heart valves to take over.'
They both share strong family ethics and a Christian faith along with a unique bond following an operation on 27 June 2001 at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital.
The unit was to be part of the consolidation of the NCCC into a new £80 million centre being built at the Freeman Hospital.
Last night a spokesman at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, said: 'Wendy is a real fighter.
The Corrs' mother, Jean, died in Freeman Hospital in Newcastle, England.
The Freeman Hospital is an 800-bed tertiary referral centre in Newcastle upon Tyne, England.
Professor Oliver James is prescribing a nightcap rather than sleeping tablets at Freeman Hospital, Newcastle.
Contained within the ward are government offices of the Department for Work and Pensions and the Freeman Hospital.