Notable in the French adaptation were slight changes in the names of the main characters.
The first was a 1906 French adaptation called "La Esmeralda."
It is perhaps the earliest Old French adaptation of the myth of Iphis.
The current project aims to produce and field test a French adaptation of the Nottingham Health Profile.
In France, the French adaptation is identical.
The name is inspired by Jean Cocteau, the director of the 1946 French adaptation of the story.
Badaud was in usage from the 16th century, if not earlier, a French adaptation of the old Provençal "badau".
This French adaptation of the Law & Order franchise is the only one not to use the voice-over introduction and the title cards between scene changes.
The French adaptation of the libretto was published in 1865.
The Italian version, which uses the French adaptation, uses almost all the same names.