It is the most common family name in Quebec (having all the same French ancestor Pierre Tremblay).
He was born in Charlesbourg in 1762, descended from French ancestors who had first arrived in New France before 1660.
Lagrange's parents were Italian, although he also had French ancestors on his father's side.
It was named after his mothers maiden name (French ancestors) as the car was inspired by the great French coach builders of the 1930s.
Politically, Gotye (pronounced like the name of his French ancestors, who were Gautiers) was a conservative nationalist.
He was a dark man, somewhere in the mid forties, with sleek black hair and swarthy skin that he claimed came from French ancestors.
His French ancestors spelled the family name "Sarrebresolles".
Cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay and pinot noir all have French ancestors with which they have been endlessly compared.
Threaded through this complex personality was an Alsatian tenacity compounded of both French and German ancestors.
He also keeps a token row of pinot noir as a salute to his French ancestors.