Thus aroused, the youths protested openly against a French ban on nationalist activities.
Up to 10 British airliners from the three carriers had planned to use Orly Monday in breach of the French ban.
However, Napoleon revoked the French Empire's ban on slavery with the Law of 20 May 1802.
The French ban on Le Corbeau was lifted only in 1969.
The French ban on face covering has been attributed by some to be a result of secular liberalism.
Discusses Badinter's opposition to the Parité movement and her arguments in favor of the French ban on headscarves.
The French ban on the import of British beef because of this is the single touchiest point in the two countries' relations.
The French ban on face covering imposes participation in citizenship education, and/or a fine of up to €150, for those who violate the law.
There can be no justification for the continuation of the illegal French ban on British beef if it is clearly labelled.
If such a confidence-building measure also speeds the end of the illegal French ban on British beef, then so much the better.