Those ships, their hulls stuffed with the riches of India, were the greatest prizes any corsair or French naval captain could wish to take.
But the French captains, knowing its strength and that their men needed rest, prevailed on her to allow them to honor the feast-day in peace.
But in a moment the French captains above might understand, or at least collect themselves; they would make a concerted attack on Temeraire and bring him down.
Pellew added to the problem by weaving ahead of the fleet shining blue lights and firing rockets, further confusing the French captains as to their location.
Several French captains were court-martialed following the battle, with two dismissed from the Navy for disobeying orders.
Admiral Keppel himself was surprised by the reaction of the French captains as he only intended to speak with them, and then release their ships.
The French captains were killed and the 200 sailors forced to join the Burmese army Sieur de Bruno was roasted to death.
With only one exception aboard Scipion, records made by the French captains of their losses at the time are incomplete.
French naval captains in the Far East were given instructions to negotiate with the Vietnamese authorities when such cases occurred.
The manoeuvere was recognised by the French captains, and all three vessels turned to face the British ship as it approached.