She learned at the same time (2009) the existence from her French cousin whose history was identical.
An American manicure looks a lot like its French cousin - just a touch more natural.
It's high time the unions followed th lead from their French cousins.
One of my French cousins married a Christian.
It's a magical world in which the locals, like their French cousins, have a great history of fine dining, hospitality - plus great skiing too.
It may have been the luck of the draw, but the New York strip steak was not in the same league with its French cousin.
He had no money, and the banks would not lend him any; but a French cousin lent him $200,000.
Yet as one after another interviewed here asserted, if the separatists are successful, they could end up hurting their French cousins in the nine other provinces.
Yes, your own sons are too young to be betrothed-but what of the French cousins?
The Spanish Basque independence movement has always been more powerful than its French cousin.