The other European powers were no longer disposed to accept a new French expansion and were prepared to form alliances to oppose such a thing.
At the time, he opposed a large-scale naval rearmament program, but decided to allow limited construction to counter French naval expansion.
Rabih's son succeeded him, but his empire soon disintegrated under sustained French expansion.
The 1807 prohibition of the international trade, Williams argued, prevented French expansion on other islands.
In 1698 the settlement of Pensacola was established in order to check French expansion into the area.
This new competition directly stimulated French expansion into the North West to win back native customers.
The French expansion into the region also allowed better access for missionary groups.
After the war, French expansion in the area continued and they brought almost the entire Middle Atlas under their control by June 1922.
In 1684, with the War of the Reunions, an era of French expansion began.
Now attempts were made by the Dutch to set up a coalition against France, in order to set a limit to the French expansion.