When we visited the French festival in Edinburgh, we wanted to transfer a whole play, just as it was, but we didn't have a theater then.
For the first two years we had to convince people we weren't the 'French' festival.
The Lyons Dance Biennial, a French festival established in 1984, will focus this month on the international impact of black culture.
French festivals are held in Schiltigheim (August) and Felletin (July).
The Foire is sometimes considered the biggest French festival held in Canada outside the province of Quebec.
(Last year's festival, like several other major French festivals, was canceled by labor unrest, but this year all seems calm.)
A number of small-scale French festivals and labels have turned their attention to neglected Romantic repertory.
It is Loach's 11th film in 31 years to compete at the French festival.
This is emphatically not a traditional French festival, and my only explanation is that we have belatedly discovered the power of marketing.
The band plays at the French festival "Transmusicales de Rennes".