The name derives from French meaning "over the cotta", a long, wide coat reaching down to the feet without sleeves.
This is also why the French meaning could be translated by "Cé's bridges".
"He ran the only true salon, in the 17th-century French meaning, for the investment community."
Poupée de son is a long-standing expression in French meaning "doll stuffed with straw or bran".
The early use in English seems to be about spinsterhood, but the French meaning has nothing to do with marriage.
Its French meaning is "large mountain standing alone," or more literally "great sombre."
The hotel's name is French meaning "England Hotel".
The roughness of its texture led to the French meaning of anxiety, vexation, embarrassment, or annoyance.
Nonpareil(s) from the French meaning 'without equal', it may also refer to:
The name "Grandique" is derived from the French meaning for "big ditch" or "big bank".