In 2004, total French plantations stood at .
Bokor Hill Station plays a prominent part of the movie, in this case doubling as a colonial French plantation.
Carlos supposed that it had been a French plantation in years past.
The only permanent change of control occurred on St. Kitts, which held both French and English plantations.
When the British took the island from the French, they also took away the French plantation owners' "rights" to keep slaves.
The Kanaks were uprooted from the land and were forced into slave labour to work on French plantations, ranches and public works.
The French sold surviving Natchez into slavery, many destined for French plantations in the Caribbean.
They also sent messages to the African slaves of nearby French plantations, inviting them to join the Natchez in rising up against the French.
The young Great Sun and about 100 of his followers were captured, subsequently enslaved, and shipped to work French plantations in the Caribbean.
The crew find themselves in a French plantation in Cambodia.