He also published writing about Spanish music in Spanish and French publications.
A French publication stated that the song is a "dark, warm vocal performance."
He lived for over five years in Paris, contributing to French publications.
However, it received international attention with one French publication praising its combination of modernity, boldness and minimalism.
At the same time, the city is investing in after-school programs and more police officers, drawing admiring front page profiles in several French publications.
The company declined to say how a consultant was able to place the views in a French publication without the approval of company executives.
Those tenacious rumors made a splashy return this week when a French publication presented them as genuine possibilities.
References to the game first appeared in French publications in the 1970s.
(Original French publications of the three volumes in 1978, 1984, and 1984, respectively)
French Masonic publications called for religious orders to be expelled from France.