There should be more galleries like this (although they seem to be a French specialty), where it's built specially to house a specific work or collection.
Creating ambiance of one kind or another has long been this French Conceptualist's specialty.
French specialties include duck, lamb and island seafood; dinner for two, excluding wine, costs about $120.
As part of Boulton's efforts to market to the wealthy, he started to sell vases decorated with ormolu, previously a French specialty.
French cuisine is prevalent as a notable influence, and in larger cities various French specialties are available.
"I never went in for none of them French specialties," Job said doubtfully.
Not long ago it was considered an exotic French specialty, tasted, often warily, with crackers and bread.
Dining choices include a cafe, a bar, a brasserie with French specialties and a Cantonese restaurant.
Pastry, crepes, teas and an array of French specialties are on the menu for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
The cancan was always a French specialty.