He had absorbed certain lessons that were to become a vital part of French military thought.
This theme was a particularly influential one in French political thought during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
He also toured the United States to lecture about French thought.
Women and the dialectics of nature in eighteenth-century French thought.
During the 1980s the stars of French thought fell from the heavens at a disconcerting rate.
The final conclusion was that a poisonous herb was being used in food, instead of the parsley the French thought they were using.
Gournay didn't write much, but had a great influence on French economic thought through his conversations with many important theorists.
The French thought they had won it.
The French thought we were crazy promoting herbs, because they said they're just part of your garden and we've used them all our lives.
Needless to say, my infatuation with the creative agility of French thought was at an all-time high.