French training and operating techniques has been used since the establishment of the air force.
Never have the clarity, virtuosity and purity of the 19th-century French academic training come across the ages with such impact.
"I'll be expected to communicate in French, but I've only had three months of French training," he said.
Over the years, I had lots of French training, but I wanted to do fish.
But despite this, the restaurant doesn't quite work; maybe it's my French training, but I consistently find myself wishing that the food were better made.
He's still a lad from Perth at heart, despite years of French training.
The unexpected revelation of this program was what it taught one about Bournonville rather than about current French training.
The promotion of inter-university partnerships and advanced French training.
The program's leaders are advocates - among the last in America - for the rigors of classical French culinary training.
Rautureau applies his classic French training to local ingredients.