Her work has often used Freudian ideas and Greek Myth as a framework.
Giddens is not the first, however, to suggest that Freudian ideas are insufficiently 'social'.
While his work was fantastic, it did not reflect a reductive Freudian idea of fantasy as a mere substitute for the banal.
Roudinesco also shows that invariant conditions are required to introduce Freudian ideas and establish psychoanalytical movement in a given space.
These personas were designed to map to the Freudian ideas of the id, ego and super-ego.
This stage integrates many Freudian ideas such as dreams, daydreams, and recollections.
In World War I, some doctors began to invoke Freudian ideas about personality and early childhood to account for soldiers' hysterical symptoms.
He would later distance himself from a number of Freudian ideas.
He sees its appeal to supporters of psychoanalysis as being its favorable view of Freudian ideas.
Compared with other art forms, it has remained remarkably impervious to the influence of Freudian ideas.