Old-fashioned phantoms give way to Freudian nightmares in this Victorian ghost story.
"Spider," which opens today in Manhattan, imperceptibly changes from a case study of schizophrenia into a Freudian nightmare that culminates in savage violence.
The story follows the Freudian nightmare of a 15-year-old girl whose parents work in the circus; it's strictly for cultists.
The dimly lighted, three-mile tunnel is a dark-walled Freudian nightmare.
Instead of a hellish vision of spiritual ennui or a lurid Freudian nightmare, "Seventh Heaven" presents its characters' turmoil as completely ordinary.
Our relationship would give a classical Freudian nightmares.
She barreled through the tunnel like history's worst Freudian nightmare.
Then things take on a decidedly creepy turn, as though we've just entered a conspicuously Freudian nightmare.
It must have been a Freudian nightmare to have been Marlene Dietrich's daughter.
Yet "Olivier, Olivier" is less a Freudian nightmare than a fairy tale that remains mysterious even after the mysteries are answered.